Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today's Workout

If you were curious about what I did in the Gym Today...if you have questions about the TRX exercises, look up TRX Executioner Workout for the first half, Jonathan Ross 10/10/10 TRX Challenge for the middle and TRX Superhero workout for the last part. I mixed and matched parts of the workouts plus added stuff that would help me train for the Men's Health Urbanathalon. Enjoy!:

On the TRX - Modified TRX Executioner workout:

Split Atomic Push Ups 10/10 each side (one leg in the trx handle and the opposite hand in the other handle)

Single Arm Single Handle Row 10 (one heel in the foot cradle..suspended and both hands on other handle)

Single Leg Mountain Climber Pendulum swings - 30 sec each leg
Ross Hamstring TRX Curls - 10
Tri Kick Pistol 4/4
Resurrection Bicep Curl 10 (super deep bicep curls)

TRX - 10/10/10 Challenge - Single Leg Handstand Push Up, Extreme Leg Extention (head under anchor) , TRX Lunge with Hops - 1 min rest then switch to other leg

8 TRX Pull Ups
8 - Regular Pull Ups on the bar
Monkey Bar Hand Walk - 5 Times back and forth (on the monkey bars)

Super Hero TRX Workout (Modified)
10 Iron Man Squat
10 Iron Man Squat Jumps
10 Neo Row (over shortened) 10 reps each arm
10 Aquaman Dive Push Ups facing anchor
Flash Sprints 45 seconds
15 reps each Daredevil Pendulum single leg kicks

20 TRX Atomic Pike Pushups

off the TRX:

5 Dips on dip bar then hand walk forward and back - 5 sets
10 Burpees with hop onto 3 foot plyo box - 5 sets

3 mile run at various inclines and speeds to finish

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Train like an athlete!

For most people simply running every day, or just trying to lift heavy isn't going to suit your goals. Unless your goal is to become a marathon runner or to be a big body builder, you should be training like an athlete to be bit. Think more like a swimmer, track athlete, mixed martial artist, tennis player. Train your body to be more explosive, powerful and for endurance as well. Train in functional movements that allow your body to work as an entire unit as opposed to just training one body part in an unrealistic way.

Let me train you to be an athlete, your body will naturally look better and more fit as you progress and you will feel great and ready to tackle the world!


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